Friday, February 1, 2008

From Your Teachers

Great job, everybody! Your comments from January were interesting and thoughtful. Please remember to review your answers so that they are well-written (i.e. follow basic punctuation and mechanic rules), answer the question, and provide an example from the text. Don't forget that not everyone has read the novel you did, so you will need to give enough information for them to figure out what you are talking about!

This month, you will notice each questions indicates which Connecticut Standard each question pertains. "Standards" are skills that seventh graders across the state should be able to do have. The standards and questions were taken from 4th-Generation CMT Coach, Language Arts Grade 7.

Keep up the great work!

Mrs. Marusa and Miss Schweikert

P.S. Don't forget to answer the questions for FEBRUARY. You will not receive credit for answering questions from previous months.

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