Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Note From Your Teachers

Wow! You guys have certainly done it again! Your comments are really great! It was interesting to see how many of you were able to dig into some novels you enjoyed to find specific passages, literary elements, and characters that you love, and then were able to share them so easily. We really enjoyed your suggestions for which books to make into movies; hopefully we'll see them on the "big screen" soon!

We also really appreciate your efforts to include the title and author of the novel, as well as your own name. Keep up the good job of proof reading your entries, too. Remember, though, that the more of your own ideas and explanations you include, the more people will be able to comment on them. We are all working towards literature discussions, and we all want to know what you think!

Again, we have changed the questions for the month of January. Answer ONLY the new questions (there are six of them!). You will not receive credit for answering questions from November of Decemeber!

Keep up the great work!

Mrs. Marusa and Miss Schweikert

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