Saturday, December 1, 2007


How does the author use punctuation to show meaning? Give an example and explain the author's purpose. Note: Recall how in Bedhead Margie Palatini used ellipses, dashes, fragments, etc.


krista said...

In the series TTYL which I am currently reading, the author does something with punctuation in the book. Since the whole book is in IMs, she cannot show actions for the characters. Therefore, when someone is typing an IM and they want to show the other person what they are physically doing, they put stars (*) around the word. For example, *typing*. I think it is a really cool and different technique.
(Krista G.)

Gabby said...

In the book I am reading, I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You, the author uses a dash to really give the book a kick! (-) With this, she shows that the character is thinking, worrying, trying to understand something etc. This really makes the book interesting and mysterious. I always have to read on because it keeps me hanging. For example, Cammie, the main character says, "I hadn't known they were there-and yet someone had stalked our very step. I felt like prey." This made me really wonder who was watching them and why! I really like how the author uses this puncuation. (Gabby Shkreli)

Ch!OE said...

I like when in books, they do..
the dot dot dot technique! I'm not really sure what its specifically called, but I think that its fun to read because it will keep you thinking about what will happen next, since it takes your eyes longer to read over while you have more time to think about the follow up. I have seen it often in the book Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. I really enjoy it, and I would like to use it in my writing more.

-Chloe G c:

Lia :] said...

I agree with Krista, I have never seen a book made out of only ims. I think it is very clever of the author to think of unique techniques to put into their book. She has a lot of ways to show action with just simply putting a star or anything els. :]
{Lia V}

OLiViA said...

I agree with Chloe. I like when writers use the dot dot dot builds suspence and is fun to read.
