The book I would put in the movies would be the Wedding Planner’s Daughter because this book has comedy, romance, drama, mystery, and plain out fun! I think the led should be Dakota Fanning because she looks the part and she is very good at acting when she is given a part she can relate to.
If I could make one book into a movie I couldn't pick one, so I am picking two. The first book that I would pick is, The Truth about Forever. It was an amazing book that would be great if someone would turn it into a movie. There are so many visuals in the book that would be very interesting to turn it into a place or object in real life. The second book that I would like to turn it into a movie is, Shakespeare’s Secret. It is also an amazing book. It has a lot of background things that they put into the book that people may understand it better if they put it into a movie. It would be too hard for people under the age of nine to understand how the background of the family and things connect to the secret in the end. But if they make it into a movie then I think that almost every kid will understand all of the connections and how they relate to the ending.(Kaitlyn O.)
I would make the book Last Dance by John Feinstein into a movie because it is about basketball and many sports fans would enjoy watching it. In addition, there are not many sports movies in theaters. One of my favorite movies is Glory Road which is about an african american team winning the national championship and they had to beat a team with a racist coach. Last Dance would be a great fit for theaters! Stephen D.
If i were to make a book into a movie then I would make the Clique Series into one. I would do this because these books are suspenseful and funny. I guess that I would want to be the main character because it would be fun to be that rich and to have a dog named Bean. ---> Andrew West
One of my favorite novels that i would put in the movies is: "Son of the Mob." I think i would star Tony Jr. in the Sopranos. I have only saw him once on a poster but he actually already plays a son of the italian mob already. So that is y i would star him.
The book I would put in the movies would be "Taming the Star Runner" by S.E. Hinton, because I loved her books, and 4 of her other boooks have been made into films, and they were all great! I think it should be made into a movie because, the book is really good, and I think if they made a movie then people would get an even better understanding of the book to, they wouldn't have to picture it they could see it on film!
If I could make a book into a movie i would want to make Some of Tims Stories by S.E. Hinton. I would like this book to be produced because it has so many well writed decribing details that it is like your not reading it but watching it. This book also has so many visualy intresting moments that to put that so people can watch it would be spectacular. (Michelle Scatamacchia)
I would make the book Grace's Turn a movie.There are quite a few parts that I think would be nice to actually see what happens. Like when Grace is in a big, stuffy room with hundreds of other people. Some characters in the book I don't really have a solid, picture in my head of what they might look like. So i think that if it were made a movie then I would be able to see what they would look like in real life. I think that it would be a really great movie because there is alot of suspence and alittle bit of action. This book would be a great movie.
If I were to make a book into a movie, I would make the Pendragon series into one then. I would make the Pendragon series into a movie because the author writes the books with a lot of suspense and really good detail. I also like the action in the series. ----> Stephen O.
I would make the Clique Series into a movie because there is so much excitment, drama and mystery in the novel. Like Caroline, I think Dakota Fanning would be great for Claire, because like Claire, Dakota is sweet and acts like herself. I think Kristen should be Anna Sophia Robb because they are both sporty and chic. Miley Cyrus would be great for Alicia because they are both pretty and totally fashionable. I'm not sure who Massie should be , but it should be someone who is strong, snobby, smart, and stylish! If anyone has any ideas please blog them! I would be so happy to know what you think. This movie would definetly be a hit! (Gabby Shkreli)
A book I would make a movie out of is Twilight. I would put it in the movies because it is full of romance and action. It also has a bunch of great sub-plots that all ages would love. Also, there are two other books after it (so far), so they could make sequels to the movie. (Sam R) =]
I would make the Alex Rider series into a movie because it's an exciting series. It's all about a kid named Alex Rider who is a spy and tries to escape dangerous situations. I would star Alex Pettyfer because he played the role in the first movie Alex Rider Stormbreaker. I didn’t know that they had already made this into a movie and I think he should star in the rest of them. Daniel J
If I could amke a book into a movie, I would make the book The Face On the Milk Carton into one, because it is very interesting and every part in the book could be easily made into a movie scene. It is very suspenseful and makes you want to read on. There are four books in the series, so there would have to be more than one movie, but I don't think that should be a problem. I don't have any clue who I would cast, because the book has a whole family of red-heads, and there aren't many red-head stars. (Michaela Wenger)
If I could pick one book to make into a movie I would pick All American Girl by Meg Cabot.I think that it's a great book to turn into a movie because it has a problem and a solution. There is a great storyline and it would make a lot of money in the theaters. For the lead role I would cast the Michelle Trachtenburg from Ice Princess. For the older sister I would cast Hillary Duff and for the president's son I would cast Mitchell Musso from Hannah Montana. I think that they would look and play these parts well.
The book I would make a movie would most likely be "Mississippi Trial, 1955". I think this because it is a book about how someone was murdered in 1955, and how the main character thinks it is one of his old friends. I think the main character would be played by Johnny Depp. I think it would be an awesome movie, but would take a lot of time.
If I could make a book into a movie it would be "Escaping the Giant Wave" by Peg Kehret. It would be a good movie because it's about a boy who went on a business trip with his parents. The main, character, Kyle, is left with his sister in the hotel room and that's when the great action begins. The action and suspense build which would make it a good movie. McCauley Caulkin would make a great Kyle. (Deja S.)
If i could turn one book into a movie it would be Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. He is one of my favorite authors, and his writing is full of suspense. The star would be Will Ferrell. Though he may not seem the part, i think he would do an excellent job of fulfilling this role. With his sense of humor and unmatchable personality he would do a great job. Cornelius$$$$Curry
The book I would put into a movie would be Cover-Up by John Feinstein into a movie becase its about the Superbowl and fans love watching sport movies. Although I can't think of a movie star that would be good at acting as a fourteen year old. boy(Joey)
I would take "The Heartland Series" and make them into a movie because they go through what happens to a teenager in real life. Pluse the books have a lot of vivid scenes and suspense which makes good movies. I would choose the girl from "ICarly" to play the main character Amy because she looks like Amy. I would choose Zack Efron to play Ty because Zack fits Ty's facial features and hair. This would be the best horse lover's movie.
If I could make a book into a movie I would pick "Esperanza Rising," or "Paint the WInd," both by Pam Munoz Ryan. They both have many scenes that could make a very good movie. They are breathtaking, and both tell a great story, with meaning and great morals. When you go to the movies and you sit down, in no time when the movie starts you are competly into it. Thats why when you come out of the theater you still have half of your popcorn still in your hands! I know that when I go to the movies, and there is a part where your in a car, I usually move with the screen, and then everybody looks at me! But the point is, these books are the same way when you read them, it's like you're there, I almost started crying at one point in Paint the Wind! I laugh, I smile, I cry, and that is what I think makes a good movie, one that you can connect to, but keeps you on edge. Lizzie
A book I would put into a movie series is the Cirque du Freak series, because of its strange plots and the horrible twists and turns. Also, I would make the kid from the movie "The Sixth Sense" the main character, Darren Shan. (Geoff R)
The book I would put in the movies would be Shakespere's Secret. This book is a mystery book, and have a little bit of history in it. I think that AnnaSophia Robb should be the main character because she is a very good actress, and is a really convincing actress so it would be believable.
If I could put a book into a movie, it would be The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer because it is such an interesting book and I have never read one like it, that it would be really cool to see it with actors in it.
Along with my previous post, I would have Vin Diesel play the body guard because he is the perfect size and appearance for one. For Matt, I would want anyone who can play a lonely, confused boy who finds a way home.
The book I would make into amovie would be Shakespears secret by Elise Broach. The Reason would be because it has great mystery and suspenseful story line. These would make for a entertining and enhoyment for all ages. The mian Charater named Hero lives with a family who loves Shakespear. Even her name is named after a girl written by shkakespear. Hero has come across a mystery she has to figure out. Alone the way she will make new friends as she puts the peaces together. I would star in this movie Emily Osment Becouse she good at acting in mysterys
Instead of a book I chose a series that I would make a movie about: I chose "The Clique" series. I chose this series of books because it is about 7th grade girls pretty much living the life everyone wants. I don't know many actresses who are 13 or 14 but I would cast Dakota Fanning as Claire. Dakota has something about her that makes you think of a girl with not as much money as everyone else. ☺ ♥
The book that I would pick to turn into a movie would be The Cupid Cronicles because it is by the same author of The Wedding Planner's Daughter and I really like the first book that she wrote. For the main character I wouldn't pick Dakota Fanning like Caroline m did in the first entry. I would hold auditions for the main character in about five states and then I would pick two out of each state and that would leave five and then I would cut it down to two and pick the best one. (Taylor :) J)
If I were to make a book into a movie it would be the book Twilight by Stepenie Meyer. This was an amazing book and I think would be a great movie too. For the main charecter Bella I would have Hayden Panettiere play the part. She is a great actress and I think would be able to play the part. For the part of edward I can't think of someone right now, he would have to be a great actor, because I think that playing a romantic, killer vampire would be hard. He would also have o be reallt god lookking,i mean really good looking!!! any ideas?I will think about it.
Tara, I agree with you on making Shakespere's Secret into a movie. To add to your comment, I think Mitchell Musso could be the boy character because of the way he acts. In the story, he is a little mysterious, but funny. I forget his name, but I think Mitchell would be the perfect peron! (Gabby Shkreli)
i have to agree with danny about putting the Stormbreaker series into a movie. It's full of action and adventures, which would make it awsome. I'm not sure who would star in it, but it would make a great movie anyway.
If I could put one book into the movies I would put Point Blank. It's about a very brave boy that always gets into trouble. It's very adventurous and has alot of suspence. Point Blank would be good for kids to wacth in middle school because it has alot of action. Also it has somethings that are very unusual like a teenage spy.
Instead of choosing one book, I would turn the whole Clique Series into a series of movies similar to the Harry Potter ones. I would need a lot of characters for this movie, but if I had to pick one right now I would star Hayton Panitiere as Sky, the 8th grade alpha. I would put her as this character even though she is not the star because Sky is a powerful 8th grade alpha that stands between the Pretty Committe and the key to the hottest room in a few of the books. She would do a good job and has already starred in several movies and television shows. -Ali M.
Ali- I agree with you, I think that Hayden Panittere would be a good Skye! I also think that one of the girls taht was the main characters friend in the Disney Channel movie Stuck in the Suburbs, would be a really good Massie! (Emily K.)
If I could make a movie from a novel I would choose the Cirque Du Freak Series. One reason for choosing this series is I think you could find good actors to play all the roles in the storyline. Also with all the excitement of the books, it would make for a good thriller movie. The action and excitement would carry the story. The plot of this series and the movie will be great. (Raja B-S)
Ali and Emily, I totally agree with you about the actress for Skye. I never really thought about it, but when you said Hayden it just clicked. Not only would Hayden be great as Skye because of how powerful she is, but also because of the way the author Lisa Harrison describes her. In the story, Skye is always described as beautiful with perfect blond hair. She is pretty much flawless and also has some attitude, which I think Hayden could pull off in the movie. (Gabby Shkreli)
I think the Cirque du Freak series would make a great movie. I think this because there is a ton of action and many exciting parts. A viewer can let their imagination go wild. The story is fantasy so you know that it could never really happen to you. The main character, Darran Shan, should be played by an actor willing to take a lot of risks such as Daniel Radcliffe. Maurizio V.
I agree, the Clique"series should be a movie! Actually, last summer they did a casting call for the movie, so they are making the Clique Series by Lisi Harrison into a film. I'm sure it will be really, really great. Along with a few other people, I think the "Twilight"< books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) should be made into a movie. The books are amazing and will always keep the reader hooked, so the movie would have lots of suspense. I don't know who I would cast as the lead, Bella, because I wouldn't want it to be some well-known star. I do think that this trilogy should be made into a movie, and the Clique Series are in progress! ♥-->CH!OEg.
I think the book The Truth About Forever should be made into a movie. It has a lot of good description and woudn't be hard for a scriptor to write a script for. For the female lead role I'm not sure who I would cast.. someone famous that can easily show exprssion.
I think instead of a book made into a movie i think a book series should be made into movie. In my opion the best series i can think of that i read is the shadow children series because its full of suspense and kids from all ages will love it. (Alex K.)
I think that the book, Suviving Antarctica Reality TV 2083 should be made into a movie because it is a very intense adventure that would make it a very interesting movie that I think people would like and watch. If the person who would direct this movie could keep it on the same story line with not many changes it would be a very good movie. It would also be cool to see how they would film this movie because it takes place in the future and in Antarctica. -Josh t.
The book I would put in the movies would be the Cirque Du Freak Series. I would put this in for many of reasons. First of all, it has great suspense. Also, it is very descriptive. In addition, it always leaves you to want to read more.
It could be a horror movie, or even a mystery movie.
I think that if I could make any book into a movie, it would have to be Last Shot by Lohn Feistein. It is a sports book about a scandal at the NCAA basketball championships and two teenagers who help uncover it. I chose this book because there is a lot of action and suspense that can really be elaborated on in the movie, and a lot of the sport scenes are very dramatic.
If I had the power to turn a book into a movie, I would make the book, Shakespeare's Secret. I would choose this book because it's a mystery and it has a lot of suspense, which is what most poeple like in today's world. Also this book deals with drama, a little middle school romance, working things out after a fight, and working together to solve the mystery. In addition, the main plot of the book is to find out who Shakespeare really was because there are two possible picks. The real Shakespreare who was a merchant and Edward De Vere (royalty and possible son of Queen Elizabeth). Three people, an elderly lady names Mrs. Roth, a young sixth grader named Hero, and an eighth grader named Danny must work together to find out the truth about the stolen diamond in Hero's just bought house and who the real Shakespeare was.
The book I would make into a movie is Captain Underpants.I would do this because the book is suspenseful and filled with humor. The star of this film would be Brad Pitt as Captain Underpants because he would play the part perfectly since he would be funny because he is usually so serious. (Alex L.)
I think that it would be so interesting to see the Uglies series have a movie. I think that there is so much action and with all of the characters in the book, it can sometimes be difficult when i try to imagine how some of them may look! i really think that some day there should be a movie for that series.
I think Starlet should be made a movie because that book is filled with tons of description and detail. I have pictured what all the movie star's described look like, but I would like to see if they look the same in my imagination as they do in the movie. Also, there is a lot of drama in this novel which would make the movie fun to watch.
I know Eragon is alredy a movie, but I would remake it because it left out many perts in the book. If you read the book and then watch the movie it's very different and confusing.
The only book I can think that would be a great movie would be I Tell You I Love You But Then I Have To Kill You! It would have some action some suspense and some comity. This is no joke but I think the celebrity to star in this movie would be Miley Cyrus as Cammie. (Ellie B)
I think that the book "Among the Hidden" by Margaret Peterson Haddix, should be made into a movie. I think this because it is a book of mystery and suspense throughout the whole entire book. For the cast, I would make Luke a young boy, and for Jen it would probably be someone like Dakoda Fanning.
The book that I would put in the movies would be A Child Called "It", because it is an awesome book about a child that is being abused. I think everyone should know what is happening to some kids, because if we know about we can help the cause. I think that Kevin Valenti (my little brother) should play it because he is a innocent boy just like Dave. (Kate V.)
I would make The Lightning Theif into a book because it would be a great action movie. Also, I think the movie would probably have great special effects since there is a lot of fantasy in it.
A series/book I would want to make into a movie would be the Twilight series. I think this because it has an AMAZING storyline and makes me get really into the book. Bella (the main character) should be played by Vanessa Anne Hudgens because she looks a lot like Bella and is a really good actress.
Anika, I agree with you on making the book The House of the Scorpions into a movie. I think that a good actor for Matt would be Josh Hutcherson, because of how well he did in the movie, Bridge to Terribithia. His character really didn't have many friends, just like Matt. I think he would be a great addition for the movie! (Gabby S)
If I could make one book into a movie, I would choose The Lightning Thief. This book is jam packed with heroism and non stop action.You follow Percy Jackson and his friends right into the pages of a Greek mythology book. I would cast Rupert Grant other wise known as Ron from Harry Potter as Percy. I just feel he would be perfect for the part. If you enjoy reading about Greek mythology and love action and adventure, The Lightning Thief series are for you.
If I could make one book into a movie, I would choose The Lightning Thief. This book is jam packed with heroism and non stop action.You follow Percy Jackson and his friends right into the pages of a Greek mythology book. I would cast Rupert Grant other wise known as Ron from Harry Potter as Percy. I just feel he would be perfect for the part. If you enjoy reading about Greek mythology and love action and adventure, The Lightning Thief series are for you.
I think the Pendragon series should be made into movies. These books are really great and have a lot of action, fantasy, and suspense. They are also the perfect size to be made into a great successful movie. I'm not sure who would be Bobby Pendragon. Alex Pettyfer was pretty good in Operation Stormbreaker, and he might be a good actor for Pendragon. I'm not sure who should play the other characters, except I think Ewan McGregor would be a great Uncle Press. He's good in action movies. A Pendragon movie would appeal to anyone that likes action, mystery and suspense. -Julian
if i could make a book into a movie i would choose to make the Artemis Fowl series. I would choose Artemis Fowl because it would be exciting, suspensful, a lot of action and a great storyline
If i were to turn a book into a movie it would probably be brians winter, i really enjoyed this novel becuase of all the suspense and the story of it. If there was a movie made of it it i would want to be the main character. becuase surviving out in the wild would be fun.
If I were to make a book into a movie I would choose the book called "The Mediator" by Meg Cabot. I think it should be turned into a movie because this book has everything a movie should have, it has drama, action, and alittle but of love. To star in the movie I would choose a girl named Sophia Bush who playes Kate in John Tucker Must Die to play the lead role as Susannah. I think she would be great as her part becaue she is very pretty and also has a tough side to her just like Susannah. As the guy who Susannah really likes and is the cutest guy in her grade i would choose Chase Crawford who plays Nate in Gossip Girl. Lastly I would choose vanessa Lengies who plays a girl from Stick It to role as the part for the mean snotty girl that hates Susannah.
I would make the Clique series a movie. This is because there is so much drama and gossip, and I think a lot of people would want to see it. I know the series are very popular, and I think it would be amazing to see it on a screen. For Massie I would cast somebody strong, bossy, and confident. For Claire, a couple people said Dakota Fanning. I totally agree with that! She is blonde, sincere and shy. She would be perfect for Claire. For Alicia, I would cast somebody that knows a lot about fashion, and they should also be spanish, too! Next, I would cast somebody blonde, smart and sporty for Kristen. Last, for Dylan, I would choose somebody with big red curls, and they would have to love to eat.
I would choose the Alex Rider series. The books are very suspenseful. They keep you on the edge of your seat. They are fantastic books, and they would be excellent movies, with action and drama in every scene. I would see it when it comes out at all costs. ~ Josh Knopf
I would like the Ugleys series to become a movie. It is an amazing series but I think it should be one movie. Waiting for the other movies would get boring (sort of like Harry Potter)since it takes so long people may become less interested. I don't know very many actors so I would need to do some research before I cast a movie if I was the directer.
The book I would put in the movies would be The Uglies series because I love this series and theres a lot of action happening in this book. I think it would make a great action movie. (Vicky A.)
If I had to make a book into a movie I would make Enders Game a movie. IT would be a good movie because it is a thrilling book, therfore making it a thrilling movie. The star would be Dylan Sprouts because I dont know any other kid male actors off the top of my head. C.M.
If I could put a book in the movies it would be Magyk by Angie Sage. I would cast the pearson that plays the second dumbledore in Harry potter as Alther because Alter is brave and has a old beard
I think The Hobbit, by J.R. Tolkien, would make a great movie, given the recent success of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I would make it into a movie because the book is very exciting and entertaining. For the main character, Bilbo, I would have the actor who portrayed him in The Lord of the Rings series, Ian Holm, return because he was in the other films. For Smaug, the dragon, and Gollum I would use CGI to make them. For the dwarves I would hire a bunch of short people and the actor who played Gimli in the other films.
The book I would want to be a movie is "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. This book is actually going to be a movie, which I learned today. I don't know a lot of actresses and actors, but I do know two who will be in this movie(these are facts- I checked). Robert Pattison will be playing Edward and Kristen Stewart will play Bella. I know these characters won't make sense to anyone unless they've read the book, which I recomend doing because it's really good. Anyway, I want this book to be made into a movie because, as I said, it's a really good book and I think it would make a really good movie. I will want to see it when it comes out! -Emily Spak
If I could make a book into a movie then it would be the book "Raven's Gate", by Anthony Horowitz. I would choose this book because it has a very good plot with plenty of action and excitement. I am not sure who I would choose to star in it though.
I think I would make the Artemis Fowl series into a movie. I think it would be a great movie because of all the action, technology, and fantasy that is in it. I do not know who would be the star, but it would have to be someone who sounds intellegent.
If I could make a book into a movie I would pick Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve. It is a fast paced and full of action. With conflict in at least every chapter the pace never slows down. With towns eating one another everyone is always ready for a little action. I think Matt Damon would fit the lead role well, because of the amount or action. Tim E Period 1/3
I think the book "The Schwa was Here" would be a good movie because it is about a boy who is "functionally invisible" (He's barely ever noticed unless he's pointed out or speaks up). I think it would be a good movie because it would be great to see how they would make him less noticeable with special camera effects and everything. I would cast Freddie Highmore as the Schwa, because he just has that kind of kid-like look, and he did a great job of playing Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, who has a similar attitude to Calvin Schwa's, so there's my backup. ;D for last-minute homework!
If I could, I would make the book The Running Man into a movie, because it has lots of suspense and action in it. I would cast Bruce Willis as the lead role, because he was a leading character in Live Free or Die Hard, and I think he would do well in this story. (Greg G)
The book that I would put make into a movie is I'd Tell You I'd Love You Then I Have to Kill you. It is a amazing book It would have some action some suspense and some comedy. I do agree with Ellie on who should be the main character which is Miley Cyrus.
I think the series Bras and Broomsticks should be made into a movie. It is a really good book about a typical girls life when she figures out that her, her sister, and her mother are witches. It should be made into a movie because it would be really interesting and would appeal to girls of all ages. The main character should be played by Selena Gomez. I think her because in her TV show Wizards of Waverly Place she plays a teenage witch. This is a really good series and I think it should be made into a movie.
A series/book that i would made into a movie would be the Cirque Du Freak series. I want this series to be made into a movie because alot of people like this series and also because this series keeps the readers at the edge of their seats in suspense.
The book I would put in the movies would be the Wedding Planner’s Daughter because this book has comedy, romance, drama, mystery, and plain out fun! I think the led should be Dakota Fanning because she looks the part and she is very good at acting when she is given a part she can relate to.
Caroline (M)
Per. 1/3
If I could make one book into a movie I couldn't pick one, so I am picking two. The first book that I would pick is, The Truth about Forever. It was an amazing book that would be great if someone would turn it into a movie. There are so many visuals in the book that would be very interesting to turn it into a place or object in real life. The second book that I would like to turn it into a movie is, Shakespeare’s Secret. It is also an amazing book. It has a lot of background things that they put into the book that people may understand it better if they put it into a movie. It would be too hard for people under the age of nine to understand how the background of the family and things connect to the secret in the end. But if they make it into a movie then I think that almost every kid will understand all of the connections and how they relate to the ending.(Kaitlyn O.)
I would make the book Last Dance by John Feinstein into a movie because it is about basketball and many sports fans would enjoy watching it. In addition, there are not many sports movies in theaters. One of my favorite movies is Glory Road which is about an african american team winning the national championship and they had to beat a team with a racist coach. Last Dance would be a great fit for theaters!
Stephen D.
If i were to make a book into a movie then I would make the Clique Series into one. I would do this because these books are suspenseful and funny. I guess that I would want to be the main character because it would be fun to be that rich and to have a dog named Bean.
---> Andrew West
One of my favorite novels that i would put in the movies is: "Son of the Mob." I think i would star Tony Jr. in the Sopranos. I have only saw him once on a poster but he actually already plays a son of the italian mob already. So that is y i would star him.
The book I would put in the movies would be "Taming the Star Runner" by S.E. Hinton, because I loved her books, and 4 of her other boooks have been made into films, and they were all great! I think it should be made into a movie because, the book is really good, and I think if they made a movie then people would get an even better understanding of the book to, they wouldn't have to picture it they could see it on film!
(Gabrielle Ferraina)
If I could make a book into a movie i would want to make Some of Tims Stories by S.E. Hinton. I would like this book to be produced because it has so many well writed decribing details that it is like your not reading it but watching it. This book also has so many visualy intresting moments that to put that so people can watch it would be spectacular. (Michelle Scatamacchia)
I would make the book Grace's Turn a movie.There are quite a few parts that I think would be nice to actually see what happens. Like when Grace is in a big, stuffy room with hundreds of other people. Some characters in the book I don't really have a solid, picture in my head of what they might look like. So i think that if it were made a movie then I would be able to see what they would look like in real life. I think that it would be a really great movie because there is alot of suspence and alittle bit of action. This book would be a great movie.
If I were to make a book into a movie, I would make the Pendragon series into one then. I would make the Pendragon series into a movie because the author writes the books with a lot of suspense and really good detail. I also like the action in the series.
----> Stephen O.
I would make the Clique Series into a movie because there is so much excitment, drama and mystery in the novel. Like Caroline, I think Dakota Fanning would be great for Claire, because like Claire, Dakota is sweet and acts like herself. I think Kristen should be Anna Sophia Robb because they are both sporty and chic. Miley Cyrus would be great for Alicia because they are both pretty and totally fashionable. I'm not sure who Massie should be , but it should be someone who is strong, snobby, smart, and stylish! If anyone has any ideas please blog them! I would be so happy to know what you think. This movie would definetly be a hit!
(Gabby Shkreli)
A book I would make a movie out of is Twilight. I would put it in the movies because it is full of romance and action. It also has a bunch of great sub-plots that all ages would love. Also, there are two other books after it (so far), so they could make sequels to the movie.
(Sam R) =]
I would make the Alex Rider series into a movie because it's an exciting series. It's all about a kid named Alex Rider who is a spy and tries to escape dangerous situations. I would star Alex Pettyfer because he played the role in the first movie Alex Rider Stormbreaker. I didn’t know that they had already made this into a movie and I think he should star in the rest of them. Daniel J
If I could amke a book into a movie, I would make the book The Face On the Milk Carton into one, because it is very interesting and every part in the book could be easily made into a movie scene. It is very suspenseful and makes you want to read on. There are four books in the series, so there would have to be more than one movie, but I don't think that should be a problem. I don't have any clue who I would cast, because the book has a whole family of red-heads, and there aren't many red-head stars. (Michaela Wenger)
If I could pick one book to make into a movie I would pick All American Girl by Meg Cabot.I think that it's a great book to turn into a movie because it has a problem and a solution. There is a great storyline and it would make a lot of money in the theaters. For the lead role I would cast the Michelle Trachtenburg from Ice Princess. For the older sister I would cast Hillary Duff and for the president's son I would cast Mitchell Musso from Hannah Montana. I think that they would look and play these parts well.
The book I would make a movie would most likely be "Mississippi Trial, 1955". I think this because it is a book about how someone was murdered in 1955, and how the main character thinks it is one of his old friends. I think the main character would be played by Johnny Depp. I think it would be an awesome movie, but would take a lot of time.
(By: Ryan Kipp. Period 6/7)
If I could make a book into a movie it would be "Escaping the Giant Wave" by Peg Kehret. It would be a good movie because it's about a boy who went on a business trip with his parents. The main, character, Kyle, is left with his sister in the hotel room and that's when the great action begins. The action and suspense build which would make it a good movie. McCauley Caulkin would make a great Kyle. (Deja S.)
If i could turn one book into a movie it would be Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. He is one of my favorite authors, and his writing is full of suspense. The star would be Will Ferrell. Though he may not seem the part, i think he would do an excellent job of fulfilling this role. With his sense of humor and unmatchable personality he would do a great job.
The book I would put into a movie would be Cover-Up by John Feinstein into a movie becase its about the Superbowl and fans love watching sport movies. Although I can't think of a movie star that would be good at acting as a fourteen year old. boy(Joey)
I would take "The Heartland Series" and make them into a movie because they go through what happens to a teenager in real life. Pluse the books have a lot of vivid scenes and suspense which makes good movies. I would choose the girl from "ICarly" to play the main character Amy because she looks like Amy. I would choose Zack Efron to play Ty because Zack fits Ty's facial features and hair.
This would be the best horse lover's movie.
If I could make a book into a movie I would pick "Esperanza Rising," or "Paint the WInd," both by Pam Munoz Ryan. They both have many scenes that could make a very good movie. They are breathtaking, and both tell a great story, with meaning and great morals. When you go to the movies and you sit down, in no time when the movie starts you are competly into it. Thats why when you come out of the theater you still have half of your popcorn still in your hands! I know that when I go to the movies, and there is a part where your in a car, I usually move with the screen, and then everybody looks at me! But the point is, these books are the same way when you read them, it's like you're there, I almost started crying at one point in Paint the Wind! I laugh, I smile, I cry, and that is what I think makes a good movie, one that you can connect to, but keeps you on edge.
A book I would put into a movie series is the Cirque du Freak series, because of its strange plots and the horrible twists and turns. Also, I would make the kid from the movie "The Sixth Sense" the main character, Darren Shan. (Geoff R)
The book I would put in the movies would be Shakespere's Secret. This book is a mystery book, and have a little bit of history in it. I think that AnnaSophia Robb should be the main character because she is a very good actress, and is a really convincing actress so it would be believable.
If I could make one book into a movie
it would be Valley of Adventure. The book has a lot of action. I could see this book as a great movie.
Sarah W
If I could put a book into a movie, it would be The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer because it is such an interesting book and I have never read one like it, that it would be really cool to see it with actors in it.
Along with my previous post, I would have Vin Diesel play the body guard because he is the perfect size and appearance for one. For Matt, I would want anyone who can play a lonely, confused boy who finds a way home.
The book I would make into amovie would be Shakespears secret by Elise Broach. The Reason would be because it has great mystery and suspenseful story line. These would make for a entertining and enhoyment for all ages. The mian Charater named Hero lives with a family who loves Shakespear. Even her name is named after a girl written by shkakespear. Hero has come across a mystery she has to figure out. Alone the way she will make new friends as she puts the peaces together. I would star in this movie Emily Osment Becouse she good at acting in mysterys
Instead of a book I chose a series that I would make a movie about: I chose "The Clique" series. I chose this series of books because it is about 7th grade girls pretty much living the life everyone wants. I don't know many actresses who are 13 or 14 but I would cast Dakota Fanning as Claire. Dakota has something about her that makes you think of a girl with not as much money as everyone else. ☺ ♥
The book that I would pick to turn into a movie would be The Cupid Cronicles because it is by the same author of The Wedding Planner's Daughter and I really like the first book that she wrote. For the main character I wouldn't pick Dakota Fanning like Caroline m did in the first entry. I would hold auditions for the main character in about five states and then I would pick two out of each state and that would leave five and then I would cut it down to two and pick the best one.
(Taylor :) J)
If I were to make a book into a movie it would be the book Twilight by Stepenie Meyer. This was an amazing book and I think would be a great movie too. For the main charecter Bella I would have Hayden Panettiere play the part. She is a great actress and I think would be able to play the part. For the part of edward I can't think of someone right now, he would have to be a great actor, because I think that playing a romantic, killer vampire would be hard. He would also have o be reallt god lookking,i mean really good looking!!! any ideas?I will think about it.
(ERIn M:)>)
Tara, I agree with you on making Shakespere's Secret into a movie. To add to your comment, I think Mitchell Musso could be the boy character because of the way he acts. In the story, he is a little mysterious, but funny. I forget his name, but I think Mitchell would be the perfect peron!
(Gabby Shkreli)
i have to agree with danny about putting the Stormbreaker series into a movie. It's full of action and adventures, which would make it awsome. I'm not sure who would star in it, but it would make a great movie anyway.
If I could put one book into the movies I would put Point Blank. It's about a very brave boy that always gets into trouble. It's very adventurous and has alot of suspence. Point Blank would be good for kids to wacth in middle school because it has alot of action. Also it has somethings that are very unusual like a teenage spy.
(Finn C)
Instead of choosing one book, I would turn the whole Clique Series into a series of movies similar to the Harry Potter ones. I would need a lot of characters for this movie, but if I had to pick one right now I would star Hayton Panitiere as Sky, the 8th grade alpha. I would put her as this character even though she is not the star because Sky is a powerful 8th grade alpha that stands between the Pretty Committe and the key to the hottest room in a few of the books. She would do a good job and has already starred in several movies and television shows.
-Ali M.
Ali- I agree with you, I think that Hayden Panittere would be a good Skye! I also think that one of the girls taht was the main characters friend in the Disney Channel movie Stuck in the Suburbs, would be a really good Massie! (Emily K.)
If I could make a movie from a novel I would choose the Cirque Du Freak Series. One reason for choosing this series is I think you could find good actors to play all the roles in the storyline. Also with all the excitement of the books, it would make for a good thriller movie. The action and excitement would carry the story. The plot of this series and the movie will be great. (Raja B-S)
Ali and Emily, I totally agree with you about the actress for Skye. I never really thought about it, but when you said Hayden it just clicked. Not only would Hayden be great as Skye because of how powerful she is, but also because of the way the author Lisa Harrison describes her. In the story, Skye is always described as beautiful with perfect blond hair. She is pretty much flawless and also has some attitude, which I think Hayden could pull off in the movie.
(Gabby Shkreli)
I think the Cirque du Freak series would make a great movie. I think this because there is a ton of action and many exciting parts. A viewer can let their imagination go wild. The story is fantasy so you know that it could never really happen to you. The main character, Darran Shan, should be played by an actor willing to take a lot of risks such as Daniel Radcliffe.
Maurizio V.
I agree, the Clique"series should be a movie! Actually, last summer they did a casting call for the movie, so they are making the Clique Series by Lisi Harrison into a film. I'm sure it will be really, really great. Along with a few other people, I think the "Twilight"< books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse) should be made into a movie. The books are amazing and will always keep the reader hooked, so the movie would have lots of suspense. I don't know who I would cast as the lead, Bella, because I wouldn't want it to be some well-known star. I do think that this trilogy should be made into a movie, and the Clique Series are in progress! ♥-->CH!OEg.
I think the book The Truth About Forever should be made into a movie. It has a lot of good description and woudn't be hard for a scriptor to write a script for. For the female lead role I'm not sure who I would cast.. someone famous that can easily show exprssion.
I think instead of a book made into a movie i think a book series should be made into movie. In my opion the best series i can think of that i read is the shadow children series because its full of suspense and kids from all ages will love it. (Alex K.)
I think that the book, Suviving Antarctica Reality TV 2083 should be made into a movie because it is a very intense adventure that would make it a very interesting movie that I think people would like and watch. If the person who would direct this movie could keep it on the same story line with not many changes it would be a very good movie. It would also be cool to see how they would film this movie because it takes place in the future and in Antarctica.
-Josh t.
The book I would put in the movies would be the Cirque Du Freak Series. I would put this in for many of reasons. First of all, it has great suspense. Also, it is very descriptive. In addition, it always leaves you to want to read more.
It could be a horror movie, or even a mystery movie.
- Luke M.
I think that if I could make any book into a movie, it would have to be Last Shot by Lohn Feistein. It is a sports book about a scandal at the NCAA basketball championships and two teenagers who help uncover it. I chose this book because there is a lot of action and suspense that can really be elaborated on in the movie, and a lot of the sport scenes are very dramatic.
Andrew Bindelglass
Per. 4/5
If I had the power to turn a book into a movie, I would make the book, Shakespeare's Secret. I would choose this book because it's a mystery and it has a lot of suspense, which is what most poeple like in today's world. Also this book deals with drama, a little middle school romance, working things out after a fight, and working together to solve the mystery. In addition, the main plot of the book is to find out who Shakespeare really was because there are two possible picks. The real Shakespreare who was a merchant and Edward De Vere (royalty and possible son of Queen Elizabeth). Three people, an elderly lady names Mrs. Roth, a young sixth grader named Hero, and an eighth grader named Danny must work together to find out the truth about the stolen diamond in Hero's just bought house and who the real Shakespeare was.
(Andrianna Papadimitriou)
The book I would make into a movie is Captain Underpants.I would do this because the book is suspenseful and filled with humor. The star of this film would be Brad Pitt as Captain Underpants because he would play the part perfectly since he would be funny because he is usually so serious. (Alex L.)
I think that it would be so interesting to see the Uglies series have a movie. I think that there is so much action and with all of the characters in the book, it can sometimes be difficult when i try to imagine how some of them may look! i really think that some day there should be a movie for that series.
I think Starlet should be made a movie because that book is filled with tons of description and detail. I have pictured what all the movie star's described look like, but I would like to see if they look the same in my imagination as they do in the movie. Also, there is a lot of drama in this novel which would make the movie fun to watch.
-Steph B.
I know Eragon is alredy a movie, but I would remake it because it left out many perts in the book. If you read the book and then watch the movie it's very different and confusing.
Hannah ♥j☺y
The only book I can think that would be a great movie would be I Tell You I Love You But Then I Have To Kill You! It would have some action some suspense and some comity. This is no joke but I think the celebrity to star in this movie would be Miley Cyrus as Cammie.
(Ellie B)
I think that the book "Among the Hidden" by Margaret Peterson Haddix, should be made into a movie. I think this because it is a book of mystery and suspense throughout the whole entire book. For the cast, I would make Luke a young boy, and for Jen it would probably be someone like Dakoda Fanning.
(Ryan Kipp, Period 6/7 Marusa)
The book that I would put in the movies would be A Child Called "It", because it is an awesome book about a child that is being abused. I think everyone should know what is happening to some kids, because if we know about we can help the cause. I think that Kevin Valenti (my little brother) should play it because he is a innocent boy just like Dave.
(Kate V.)
I would make The Lightning Theif into a book because it would be a great action movie. Also, I think the movie would probably have great special effects since there is a lot of fantasy in it.
A series/book I would want to make into a movie would be the Twilight series. I think this because it has an AMAZING storyline and makes me get really into the book. Bella (the main character) should be played by Vanessa Anne Hudgens because she looks a lot like Bella and is a really good actress.
(Sarah B.)
Anika, I agree with you on making the book The House of the Scorpions into a movie. I think that a good actor for Matt would be Josh Hutcherson, because of how well he did in the movie, Bridge to Terribithia. His character really didn't have many friends, just like Matt. I think he would be a great addition for the movie!
(Gabby S)
If I could make one book into a movie, I would choose The Lightning Thief. This book is jam packed with heroism and non stop action.You follow Percy Jackson and his friends right into the pages of a Greek mythology book. I would cast Rupert Grant other wise known as Ron from Harry Potter as Percy. I just feel he would be perfect for the part. If you enjoy reading about Greek mythology and love action and adventure, The Lightning Thief series are for you.
Ben U
per 4-5
If I could make one book into a movie, I would choose The Lightning Thief. This book is jam packed with heroism and non stop action.You follow Percy Jackson and his friends right into the pages of a Greek mythology book. I would cast Rupert Grant other wise known as Ron from Harry Potter as Percy. I just feel he would be perfect for the part. If you enjoy reading about Greek mythology and love action and adventure, The Lightning Thief series are for you.
Ben U
per 4-5
I think the Pendragon series should be made into movies. These books are really great and have a lot of action, fantasy, and suspense. They are also the perfect size to be made into a great successful movie. I'm not sure who would be Bobby Pendragon. Alex Pettyfer was pretty good in Operation Stormbreaker, and he might be a good actor for Pendragon. I'm not sure who should play the other characters, except I think Ewan McGregor would be a great Uncle Press. He's good in
action movies. A Pendragon movie would appeal to anyone that likes action, mystery and suspense.
if i could make a book into a movie i would choose to make the Artemis Fowl series. I would choose Artemis Fowl because it would be exciting, suspensful, a lot of action and a great storyline
If i were to turn a book into a movie it would probably be brians winter, i really enjoyed this novel becuase of all the suspense and the story of it. If there was a movie made of it it i would want to be the main character. becuase surviving out in the wild would be fun.
shane m.
If I were to make a book into a movie I would choose the book called "The Mediator" by Meg Cabot. I think it should be turned into a movie because this book has everything a movie should have, it has drama, action, and alittle but of love. To star in the movie I would choose a girl named Sophia Bush who playes Kate in John Tucker Must Die to play the lead role as Susannah. I think she would be great as her part becaue she is very pretty and also has a tough side to her just like Susannah. As the guy who Susannah really likes and is the cutest guy in her grade i would choose Chase Crawford who plays Nate in Gossip Girl. Lastly I would choose vanessa Lengies who plays a girl from Stick It to role as the part for the mean snotty girl that hates Susannah.
I would make the Clique series a movie. This is because there is so much drama and gossip, and I think a lot of people would want to see it. I know the series are very popular, and I think it would be amazing to see it on a screen. For Massie I would cast somebody strong, bossy, and confident. For Claire, a couple people said Dakota Fanning. I totally agree with that! She is blonde, sincere and shy. She would be perfect for Claire. For Alicia, I would cast somebody that knows a lot about fashion, and they should also be spanish, too! Next, I would cast somebody blonde, smart and sporty for Kristen. Last, for Dylan, I would choose somebody with big red curls, and they would have to love to eat.
I would choose the Alex Rider series. The books are very suspenseful. They keep you on the edge of your seat. They are fantastic books, and they would be excellent movies, with action and drama in every scene. I would see it when it comes out at all costs.
~ Josh Knopf
I would like the Ugleys series to become a movie. It is an amazing series but I think it should be one movie. Waiting for the other movies would get boring (sort of like Harry Potter)since it takes so long people may become less interested. I don't know very many actors so I would need to do some research before I cast a movie if I was the directer.
The book I would put in the movies would be The Uglies series because I love this series and theres a lot of action happening in this book. I think it would make a great action movie.
(Vicky A.)
If I had to make a book into a movie I would make Enders Game a movie. IT would be a good movie because it is a thrilling book, therfore making it a thrilling movie. The star would be Dylan Sprouts because I dont know any other kid male actors off the top of my head.
If I could put a book in the movies it would be Magyk by Angie Sage. I would cast the pearson that plays the second dumbledore in Harry potter as Alther because Alter is brave and has a old beard
I think The Hobbit, by J.R. Tolkien, would make a great movie, given the recent success of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I would make it into a movie because the book is very exciting and entertaining. For the main character, Bilbo, I would have the actor who portrayed him in The Lord of the Rings series, Ian Holm, return because he was in the other films. For Smaug, the dragon, and Gollum I would use CGI to make them. For the dwarves I would hire a bunch of short people and the actor who played Gimli in the other films.
The book I would want to be a movie is "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. This book is actually going to be a movie, which I learned today. I don't know a lot of actresses and actors, but I do know two who will be in this movie(these are facts- I checked). Robert Pattison will be playing Edward and Kristen Stewart will play Bella. I know these characters won't make sense to anyone unless they've read the book, which I recomend doing because it's really good. Anyway, I want this book to be made into a movie because, as I said, it's a really good book and I think it would make a really good movie. I will want to see it when it comes out!
-Emily Spak
If I could make a book into a movie then it would be the book "Raven's Gate", by Anthony Horowitz. I would choose this book because it has a very good plot with plenty of action and excitement. I am not sure who I would choose to star in it though.
-James Monroe
I think I would make the Artemis Fowl series into a movie. I think it would be a great movie because of all the action, technology, and fantasy that is in it. I do not know who would be the star, but it would have to be someone who sounds intellegent.
If I could make a book into a movie I would pick Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve. It is a fast paced and full of action. With conflict in at least every chapter the pace never slows down. With towns eating one another everyone is always ready for a little action. I think Matt Damon would fit the lead role well, because of the amount or action.
Tim E
Period 1/3
I think the book "The Schwa was Here" would be a good movie because it is about a boy who is "functionally invisible" (He's barely ever noticed unless he's pointed out or speaks up). I think it would be a good movie because it would be great to see how they would make him less noticeable with special camera effects and everything. I would cast Freddie Highmore as the Schwa, because he just has that kind of kid-like look, and he did a great job of playing Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, who has a similar attitude to Calvin Schwa's, so there's my backup.
;D for last-minute homework!
If I could, I would make the book The Running Man into a movie, because it has lots of suspense and action in it. I would cast Bruce Willis as the lead role, because he was a leading character in Live Free or Die Hard, and I think he would do well in this story. (Greg G)
The book that I would put make into a movie is I'd Tell You I'd Love You Then I Have to Kill you. It is a amazing book It would have some action some suspense and some comedy. I do agree with Ellie on who should be the main character which is Miley Cyrus.
Jessie C =]
I think the series Bras and Broomsticks should be made into a movie. It is a really good book about a typical girls life when she figures out that her, her sister, and her mother are witches. It should be made into a movie because it would be really interesting and would appeal to girls of all ages. The main character should be played by Selena Gomez. I think her because in her TV show Wizards of Waverly Place she plays a teenage witch. This is a really good series and I think it should be made into a movie.
A series/book that i would made into a movie would be the Cirque Du Freak series. I want this series to be made into a movie because alot of people like this series and also because this series keeps the readers at the edge of their seats in suspense.
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